
27 September, 2021

New INSCA tile displays at Cersaie


At the INSCA stand, you will be able to see what some of our new tile display designs are like, even though they are not yet in included on our website catalogue!

New tile trends demand new display solutions. At INSCA, we innovate at the same pace as our clients so that we can create the best tile display units.

Cersaie is coming, and with the fair there will be new items.  We are also introducing new tile showrooms. What we have done this time is to evolve some of the most popular models from our catalogue.

Sliding tile displays for large formats and multi-formats: Utah Multi Tiles

This is part of our new Slimshow series and, as we are introducing it at Cersaie, we have not yet had time to include it on our website catalogue. The Utah Multi Tiles originated from the Utah, but this time we have taken it further.

Because of the system designed by INSCA, the new tile display unit enables the display of panels of up to 320 cm in height and the combination of various formats within a single panel.

Londres Multi Tiles: the evolution of a total classic

The Londres Multi Tiles originates from INSCA’s emblematic Londres. This unit is meant for displaying tiles in panels of 5 + 2, and has the capacity to combine panels of up to 120×260 cm with smaller formats of 120×120 or 60×120 cm.

This ceramic floor tile display has a sliding system designed by INSCA, which makes it practical and convenient, and it takes up very little space in your showroom.  

Units for the technical areas of the showroom: the UP! series

Banco técnico y ceramoteca de la serie UP! Al fondo, el clásico Maxi Tiles.

INSCA’s most industrial line consists of the UP! units for technical areas. This is the ideal solution for technical areas within a tile showroom or for professional architects or interior design studios.  

Our UP! Series consists of a technical bench and a tile library. Both pieces are modular units for tile showrooms and can be combined with each other.  

Tile library

Ceramoteca Tile Library

This is the new tile library that INSCA is introducing at Cersaie 2021. Its features?  You can discover these at our stand: Hall 28 / Stand B16.

In summary, these tile displays have not yet been published on the INSCA website catalogue. They are the latest generation of tile display units. They are all convenient to handle, lightweight as well as robust and compact. They are designed so that you can combine various formats and display various collections at the same time.  

Lorena Rodriguez

Union Europea Gobierno de España Gobierno de España