
16 June, 2023

Pascual Ibáñez, CEO of INSCA, awarded CEO of the Year by La Razón


Pascual Ibáñez, general manager of INSCA, has received the CEO of the Year award for solutions for the ceramics sector at the ceremony of the 2nd CEO of the Year Awards of the newspaper La Razón.

Pascual Ibáñez, gerente de INSCA,  galardonado con el premio CEO del Año por La Razón

In an outstanding ceremony held at the headquarters of the newspaper La Razón in Madrid, Pascual Ibáñez, CEO of INSCA, received the CEO of the Year award for solutions for the ceramics sector. The event, known as the 2nd La Razón CEO of the Year Awards, aimed to recognise the work of 38 outstanding professionals from various industries and leading companies in Spain.

The awards ceremony was presided over by Eugenia Carballedo, president of the Madrid Assembly, together with prominent personalities such as Andrés Navarro, CEO of the newspaper La Razón, and Francisco Marhuenda, director of the newspaper.

During his speech, Pascual Ibáñez expressed his deep gratitude to La Razón for the recognition and congratulated all the award winners. With humility, he dedicated this achievement to the extended family that has been built up over the years as part of INSCA. He acknowledged the team’s effort and commitment to the company and expressed his sincere thanks to them.

INSCA’s growth and development

The importance of the commitment to internal talent, continuous training and recycling in the success of the company. The implementation of the Lean methodology, the adaptation to digital change and the promotion of values such as equality, family reconciliation, diversity and inclusion have been the key elements in the growth and development of INSCA as an international group in display solutions for tiles, bathrooms and construction materials.

INSCA has its origins in a small carpentry shop in Vila-real founded by Pascual Ibáñez in 1978. In the 1980s he invented the world’s first tile display and, since then, it has grown steadily to become today’s INSCA Group, led by his sons Pascual and Carmen Ibáñez.

Today, INSCA Group is an international benchmark for commercial equipment and the group has four flagship brands: INSCA, InscaShops, Inretail and Kontorstil. In recent years, it has focused its efforts on the international expansion and digitalisation of the company.

The recognition obtained by Pascual Ibáñez as CEO of the Year in Solutions for the ceramics sector is a testament to INSCA’s hard work, entrepreneurial vision and commitment to excellence. This award reinforces INSCA’s reputation and positioning as a benchmark in the national and international market for commercial equipment for the ceramics sector.

Irene Delgado

Union Europea Gobierno de España Gobierno de España