Displays for doors, windows and other materials
Tell us about your project
Bespoke displays for...
- ✓Doors
- ✓Windows
- ✓Roof tiles
- ✓Raw materials
- ✓Solar panels
- ✓Various different materials

Display solutions
to display any material

If you are looking to display doors, windows, raw materials, solar panels, or any other type of product, at INSCA we have display solutions for different types of construction materials that do not appear in our catalogue.
Contact us, tell us about your project and we will find the best solution to suit the needs of your business. We want our customers to enjoy the experience of selling and to do so with the security of trusting INSCA.

When it's INSCA, it shows.
- ✓25000 m2 factory in Spain
- ✓Catalogue with more than 1000 displays for ceramics and bathrooms
- ✓Design, manufacture and assembly all over the world
- ✓The security of trusting in more than 45 years of experience
- ✓A team of 200 people